holistic hypnosis
Past-Life Regression
Spiritual Mentorship
& Life Coaching
Embracing Authenticity,
Self-Empowerment &
Spiritual Enlightenment
QHPath (Quantum Healing Path)
guides you to change from within.
Leads you to a recreation of yourself
into an Empowered New You.
Allowing you to experience life
with purpose, passion and
aligned to who you truly are.
QHPath uses a holistic approach in hypnosis.
Provides support at the whole person,
the mind, the body and the spiritual being.
We use interactive process
from a special collection of techniques
for healing painful emotional patterns,
negative core beliefs and
discover untapped resources
of inner power.
Change is facilitated
from within yourself
by creating
New Pathways in your brain.
QHPath empowers You
to express yourself freely
in your unique way.
To follow your passion
and purpose in life,
aligned to who you truly are.
Creating and manifesting
the life you desire to experience
by knowing how reality works.
The relationship with yourself
is the most important one.
It is the blueprint
to all relationships.
QHPath Holistic Sessions
are based on:
Alchemical Hypnotherapy
(Interactive processes based
on Carl Jung, Gestalt and
Past-Life Regression Therapy
(Regression Therapy)
IH- Introspective Hypnosis
(Interactive processes
in the subconscious & superconscious)
BQH - Beyond Quantum Healing
(Exploration of consciousness)
Spiritual Life Coaching
(Spiritual based coaching)
Spiritual Mentorship
(Spiritual Guidance)​
Intuitive Energy Healing
(Usui Reiki & Pranic Healing)
Intuitive Quantum Healing​
(Psychic/Intuitive Reading & Channeling)
Our psychosomatic symptoms
(physical symptoms that are caused
by psychological or emotional factors)
are a synthesis of
a stressful experience or trauma;
a memory associated
with an emotional burden
without being processed properly.
It will become a blockage,
a fear or inability to do certain things,
a disease, pain in your body,
feeling stuck, disempowered, etc.
We are Multidimensional Beings,
for our subconscious mind
time does not exist.
We may be re-living
a traumatic experience
all over again when it is triggered
at our present moment.
A fragmented part of the self
is created when we couldn't
processed the trauma
in a healthy way.
That part will
appear in the present
when we encounter
a similar situation.
In our minds, we are back
at that moment in time,
it feels like it;
but physically, we're not.
Examples are phobias, fears,
anxiety, etc. Those are
the expression of a
limited belief created
by an external cause.
Those past traumatic experiences
could be from past lives or
from this present life.
Time does not exist
for the subconscious mind.
Beliefs, emotions, thoughts
and behaviors create
a state of being.
It is the signal in frequency
we send to the quantum field.
Our physical reality is a
reflection of our consciousness
(limited core beliefs,
definitions, actions, etc).
If our state of being
is at a high vibration,
the quantum field will reflect
that in our reality by
experiencing synchronicities
and perceiving life
smoother and balanced.
We cannot perceive
what we are not in
the vibration of.
When we hold very strong emotions
or thoughts for a long time,
we could create physical and/or
mental diseases, pain, etc.
by concentrating its energy
in any part of the body.
All pain is resistance to
the natural self.
In a trance state
we can have a conversation
with the illness or disease
by accessing the memory
in that part of the body
that created it.
It would be a
symbolic representation
that would tell us
what is the message
that this disease
or illness is trying to tell us.
Our chakras (energy centers)
are power stations, and they
have physical and psychological functions,
and they're also affected by our emotions,
thoughts and habits.
Clearing and Balancing​
your chakras could have
a beneficial effect to the whole You.
It is not a requisite to believe
in past lives, or have a special
or no religion at all. It doesn't matter.
As any hypnotist,
what is real for your subconscious mind
is real to us, and we treat it as such,
because it is affecting your life.
Holistic Hypnosis
does Not Follow the
typical clinical hypnosis model.
There are many myths surrounding hypnosis,
like people may act against their will
or reveal private information.
Well, it is not true.
The hypnotic state is like a deep meditation state,
you are awake and aware of everything.
It is like watching a movie,
daydreaming, reading, etc.
You are always in control.
When in an hypnotic trance,
you are in a relaxed and focused state,
and through visualization,
your senses and emotions
you will go to that guided moment
to address what is needed.
Each experience is unique to the individual
and limitless in its scope.
For spiritual explorers,
with the expansion of consciousness
that you can experience with hypnosis,
more than just Past Lives
are available for you.
You may experience Future Lives,
Parallel Lives, Lives on Other Planets,
Lives in other Dimensions.
Also, you may encounter events
related to your current life
that will have a special meaning
to your situation.
Much Love,
Lila Cabral Acosta, Cht
Certified Hypnotist
Spiritual Mentor